India Celebrates its Republic Day on 26th January of every year. The Republic day parade will be held on India's capital Delhi. Doordarshan has been telecasting the Republic Day Parade LIVE since the early sixties when cameras and equipment had to be taken out of the existing studio for this event. Today, for the second consecutive time we will be LIVE-STREAMING the Republic Day Parade. Indians from all over the world will be watching
India Celebrates its Republic Day on 26th January of every year. The Republic day parade will be held on India's capital Delhi. Doordarshan has been telecasting the Republic Day Parade LIVE since the early sixties when cameras and equipment had to be taken out of the existing studio for this event. Today, for the second consecutive time we will be LIVE-STREAMING the Republic Day Parade. Indians from all over the world will be watching along with viewers from the freezing climate of Leh to the remotest corners of Kanyakumari.
Watch it live here ::
Republic Day Live Streaming |
Watch it live here ::
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