The hope for the future astronauts to spend more time in space by growing their own vegetables has now shattered. Aboard China’s Lunar rove...
The hope for the future astronauts to spend more time in space by growing their own vegetables has now shattered. Aboard China’s Lunar rover, the growing cotton plant, which earlier had a green leaf and sprouted, is now dead. That one single green leaf withered away due to extreme temperatures on the surface of the Earth’s Natural Satellite, Moon. It happened within a week's time. The work in going on to solve and crack this. Until then we shall know how these plants grow in space?
Let us face it, Outer Space is not kind to anyone, even Plants are not exempted from it. The gravity and the intensity of the vacuum are high in space. For example, we take a flower into space, expose it to the empty space, it would soon die. The existing water in the flower will rush out of its pores into space, and the flower would dry out perishing within a matter of time.
A 'froze to death' flower is left there with us. But, the experiment by the Chinese has opened up avenues to grow plants on the surface of the Moon. Plants are already proved to grow in space for decades. For example, Arabidopsis thaliana, a spindle-laded plant with white flowers, in the year 1982, was aboard 'Salyut'. This station is now a defunct Russian space station.
Talking about other such plants which are already growing in space, scientists say, " Plants are very adaptive, and they have to be—they can’t run away". On reiterating on the plant evolution according to their surroundings this was said. Despite not evolved enough to withstand this space scene, they manage to adapt.
Let us face it, Outer Space is not kind to anyone, even Plants are not exempted from it. The gravity and the intensity of the vacuum are high in space. For example, we take a flower into space, expose it to the empty space, it would soon die. The existing water in the flower will rush out of its pores into space, and the flower would dry out perishing within a matter of time.
A 'froze to death' flower is left there with us. But, the experiment by the Chinese has opened up avenues to grow plants on the surface of the Moon. Plants are already proved to grow in space for decades. For example, Arabidopsis thaliana, a spindle-laded plant with white flowers, in the year 1982, was aboard 'Salyut'. This station is now a defunct Russian space station.
Talking about other such plants which are already growing in space, scientists say, " Plants are very adaptive, and they have to be—they can’t run away". On reiterating on the plant evolution according to their surroundings this was said. Despite not evolved enough to withstand this space scene, they manage to adapt.
" Plants don’t really care about the gravity so much if you can get the environment right. We don’t have a system today that would preserve all the nutrients in food for all that time, even if it was frozen". Opine the scientists involved in the study and execution of the project.
"There's a great deal of joy in growing and watering the plants and producing a flower. There can also be some real sadness if plants you've been cultivating are not successful and are dying on you". Says an ISS Scientist.
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