'AntiNatalism' is a term we sure do not come across so very often. It is the act of not supporting 'Creation of Life'. This...
'AntiNatalism' is a term we sure do not come across so very often. It is the act of not supporting 'Creation of Life'. This 27-year-old man from Mumbai took to Youtube in recording his views regarding this matter. But the way he has portrayed this was amusing and attracting various views from the viewers. He was so angry and frustrated with this concept being unheard of that he wanted to Sue his parents for giving birth to him.
Raphael Samuel, the man in the video has gone to create a Monologue. He questions his parents, that 'Why did not they ask him permission to give birth to him'. Why did they be so selfish and only think what they wanted, when it was his life which was in question?'.
Procreation, as a concept is what the anti-Natalists always hate about. In a Facebook post against ProCreation, Samuel had said that it was morally wrong for people to promote giving birth and having children in this cruel world. The post literally reads, " Procreation is the root of all evil. Stop. Having. Babies".
In a recent viral video, the man was seen giving out the explanations around his belief. In the Youtube Channel named 'Nihil Anand', he had opened up on his stance. Unlike his earlier posts and pictures, in this particular video, Samuel was wearing a Fake Beard and moustache with black goggles covering his facial features.
(watch the video here)
To which his mother gives a diplomatic reply, which was posted on his Facebook page. It goes this way:
Raphael Samuel, the man in the video has gone to create a Monologue. He questions his parents, that 'Why did not they ask him permission to give birth to him'. Why did they be so selfish and only think what they wanted, when it was his life which was in question?'.
Procreation, as a concept is what the anti-Natalists always hate about. In a Facebook post against ProCreation, Samuel had said that it was morally wrong for people to promote giving birth and having children in this cruel world. The post literally reads, " Procreation is the root of all evil. Stop. Having. Babies".
In a recent viral video, the man was seen giving out the explanations around his belief. In the Youtube Channel named 'Nihil Anand', he had opened up on his stance. Unlike his earlier posts and pictures, in this particular video, Samuel was wearing a Fake Beard and moustache with black goggles covering his facial features.
It was in this attire and disguise, Sam was heard saying, " I want everyone in India and the world to realize one thing that they are born without their consent. I want them to understand that they do not owe their parents anything".
(watch the video here)
After the video went viral, he was called in for an interview, in which he said. " Procreation is the most narcissistic act on Earth. Ask anyone why they procreate it will always start with 'I wanted'. Introducing a child into a world that is suffering is wrong. An antinatalist’s agenda is to convince people to stop reproducing. Why? Because life involves a lot of suffering".
To which his mother gives a diplomatic reply, which was posted on his Facebook page. It goes this way: