Virat and Anushka have taken a small break from their daily lives. Both of them have gone to a Private holiday. In their busy schedules, an...
Virat and Anushka have taken a small break from their daily lives. Both of them have gone to a Private holiday. In their busy schedules, and especially during the tight timetable of the International Cricket which is going on, the couple did find a brief time to take a vacation. In this brief small vacation, they have been to they have clicked pictures, both candid and lovely. The two have posted them on each other's Instagram.
The matter does not end there. The pictures featured the two and some pretty backgrounds. Mostly every person who has gone through the pictures, has this one question in their mind. "Who was the one who clicked them?". The couple seems to carry with them a photographer.
Just after the grand win against the team of Australia, the team went on to New Zealand for the next match. But Virat Kohli left midway to spend some quality time with his wife Anushka. It was at this time and place did the couple click some cute and lovely pictures.
This was what Virat Kohli posted on his Instagram page:
And our Anushka too took to her Instagram posting this picture of the two:
The matter does not end there. The pictures featured the two and some pretty backgrounds. Mostly every person who has gone through the pictures, has this one question in their mind. "Who was the one who clicked them?". The couple seems to carry with them a photographer.
Just after the grand win against the team of Australia, the team went on to New Zealand for the next match. But Virat Kohli left midway to spend some quality time with his wife Anushka. It was at this time and place did the couple click some cute and lovely pictures.
This was what Virat Kohli posted on his Instagram page:
And our Anushka too took to her Instagram posting this picture of the two: