In Bollywood, movies often run after the protagonist. The name of the star plays an important role in deciding the box-office collection of...
In Bollywood, movies often run after the protagonist. The name of the star plays an important role in deciding the box-office collection of a particular film. There are movies who have made an average actor to a superstar, while there are some movies who we cannot imagine having some other actor as its hero. Here are some such films which actually are rejected by famous Bollywood actors.
1. Shahrukh Khan - Munna Bhai MBBS: This cult classic film which came as a revolution to the Bollywood was not anticipated first to have Sanjay Dutt as the main lead but Shahrukh Khan. The king khan had refused the offer because of his back pain but the film surely backed Sanjay's falling career.
2. Kangana Ranaut - The Dirty Picture: It would be no wrong to call Vidya Balan's 'The Dirty Picture', a change in the way how we look at commercial cinema. The film was first offered to Kangana Ranaut but she refused the offer for she felt that she had done similar roles in her previous films as well.
3. Saif Ali Khan - Dil Wale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge: DDLJ is the longest running film Bollywood has ever produced has is the name recognised by every India. While the movie's dialogues and steps became worldwide popular, it is a lesser known fact that the film was first offered to Saif Ali Khan but later went on to Shahrukh.
4. Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan - Dil Chahata Hai: Dil Chahta Hia still remains the first choice of the audience who wish to watch a strong bond of friendship in a film. The movie was critically acclaimed and earned an enormous figure on the box-office. The film had been offered to Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan but when things didn't go right, Farhan chose Saif, Aamir, and Akshaye Khanna to lead the film.
5. Salman Khan - Chak De India: Arguably the best sports film in Bollywood -Chack De India was offered to Salman Khan before Shahrukh but he had refused the offer for some unknown reasons.
1. Shahrukh Khan - Munna Bhai MBBS: This cult classic film which came as a revolution to the Bollywood was not anticipated first to have Sanjay Dutt as the main lead but Shahrukh Khan. The king khan had refused the offer because of his back pain but the film surely backed Sanjay's falling career.
2. Kangana Ranaut - The Dirty Picture: It would be no wrong to call Vidya Balan's 'The Dirty Picture', a change in the way how we look at commercial cinema. The film was first offered to Kangana Ranaut but she refused the offer for she felt that she had done similar roles in her previous films as well.
3. Saif Ali Khan - Dil Wale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge: DDLJ is the longest running film Bollywood has ever produced has is the name recognised by every India. While the movie's dialogues and steps became worldwide popular, it is a lesser known fact that the film was first offered to Saif Ali Khan but later went on to Shahrukh.
4. Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan - Dil Chahata Hai: Dil Chahta Hia still remains the first choice of the audience who wish to watch a strong bond of friendship in a film. The movie was critically acclaimed and earned an enormous figure on the box-office. The film had been offered to Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan but when things didn't go right, Farhan chose Saif, Aamir, and Akshaye Khanna to lead the film.
5. Salman Khan - Chak De India: Arguably the best sports film in Bollywood -Chack De India was offered to Salman Khan before Shahrukh but he had refused the offer for some unknown reasons.