Vijay Mallya was seen taking to Twitter his questions and denial of allegations even after the process of extradition has started. The Debt...
Vijay Mallya was seen taking to Twitter his questions and denial of allegations even after the process of extradition has started. The Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) has been alleging that Mallya had run away with Rs9,000 Crores. Talking about this matter Vijay Mallya says, that his Rs13,000 Crore assets were seized and were no more in his control. And at this stage how could the Tribunal allege him of running away with the ones which were seized.
Earlier in the month of June in 2018, Vijay Mallya has appealed for a plea to the Prime Minister regarding a concession or a slight pardon. He did this in a series of tweets. People were busy trolling him and he is scared to return to India, as he is due extradition to India.
In the recent tweets made by him, Vijay Mallya writes saying, "The DRT (debt recovery tribunal) Recovery Officer recently attaches my Group assets worth over 13,000 crores in India on behalf of the Consortium of Banks. Yet the narrative is that I ran away with the claimed amount of 9000 crores causing loss to Public Sector Banks".
Earlier in the month of June in 2018, Vijay Mallya has appealed for a plea to the Prime Minister regarding a concession or a slight pardon. He did this in a series of tweets. People were busy trolling him and he is scared to return to India, as he is due extradition to India.
In the recent tweets made by him, Vijay Mallya writes saying, "The DRT (debt recovery tribunal) Recovery Officer recently attaches my Group assets worth over 13,000 crores in India on behalf of the Consortium of Banks. Yet the narrative is that I ran away with the claimed amount of 9000 crores causing loss to Public Sector Banks".
Continuing which he further wrote, "Where are Justice and fair play? Every morning I wake up to yet another attachment by the DRT recovery officer. Value already crosses 13,000 crores. Banks claim dues including all interest of 9,000 crores which is subject to review. How far will this go and well beyond? Justified??".
" And despite all the attachments in India, Banks have given an open licence to their Lawyers in England to pursue multiple frivolous litigations against me. Who is accountable for spending Public money on Legal fees in such a brazen manner?", reads his following tweet.
"And finally, the Banks lawyers in England have objected in writing to my paying my legitimate tax dues to HMRC (revenue and customs) which I requested. Irony is Indian State Banks want my money in England to settle an Indian debt already secured and deny payment to the UK tax exchequer. Disgraceful".